Thank you for coming to learn more about Sentrx Animal Care! Use the links below to learn more about our brand and products.
Product Information
Sentrx Product Guide >
BioHAnce™ Technology >
Sets Sentrx ophthalmology and epidermal repair solutions apart from any other products in pet healthcare.
Oculenis Corneal Gel MSDS >
Oculenis Product Insert >
Ocunovis ProCare Eye Lubricant Gel MSDS >
Ocunovis Procare Product Insert >
Clinic Support
Continuing Education
The Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology >
We partnered with Vet Candy to offer a master course in ophthalmology. This program focuses on reinforcing the essentials of veterinary ophthalmology and includes expert tips from Dr. DJ Haeussler, board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist, and is RACE and NYS-approved for veterinary continuing education.